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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 17, 2009
St.Paul MN
So I just purchased a new 4gb extreme 3 SDHC card for my Rebel XSI. I always shoot in Raw mode but when i transfer the images from the card onto my new macbook pro the small thumbnail looks good but when I open it whether it be in photoshop CS4, preview or whatever else the image is horribly corrupted. I updated all of my drivers and have never had this problem before. I switched back to my old 1 gb sd card and everything works fine. Is it possible that the card is just bad or is it something i can fix? Any help would be greatly appreciated! below is a sample of the corrupted image i see.


  • bridge.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 238
Thanks Coolwine, I have a new desktop background now.

First I would try that same card in another camera to see if it's an issue with the camera or the card, then I would try importing the same images to another computer. If it's still obviously the card then I would contact the manufacturer as I'm sure there's some kind of warrantee or guarantee.
I formatted the card in the camera and it didn't help. I am just confused why with this memory card if i save as Jpeg it works just fine but if i shoot in raw it wont process correctly. :confused:
Don't bother diagnosing a bad card.

I formatted the card in the camera and it didn't help. I am just confused why with this memory card if i save as Jpeg it works just fine but if i shoot in raw it wont process correctly. :confused:

You can certainly try this card in a different camera, to go along with trying a different card in the same camera.

I wouldn't bother thinking too deeply about why jpegs work but raws don't. Cards are cheap, photos are priceless. Contact the manufacturer and let them make good on the warrantee, I'm sure they'll gladly send you a new card. If not, you've lost $30 bucks. If it were me, I wouldn't put any important photos on that card anymore. Even if the manufacturer won't take it back, it's in the trash.
it could be the card. IF another card works in the camera fine, I would assume it was the card. I would try the card in another camera. I would go to "best buy" and slap the card into a camera there, i don't think it would matter which one; but since they still sell the XSi/T1i, i would do that and see.

It seems that it is the transfer of info. I mean it COULD be the camera, but i would just switch cards first and see what happens. Is it a new card?
Workaround - works for me. Always write-protect SD card before inserting into MACbook reader.
I the MacBook recognizes the JPEG and not the CR files, it could be the MacBook and not the card. Try the free app, DNC File converter (Adobe).
This happens on all web-based forums -- newbies join up and find a thread which seems relevant to their own situation and immediately post in it, not realizing that it is an old one -- and then other members, not noticing the date, either, also join in to respond.....
Since this thread was begun in 2009 I am sure that the original poster has long since resolved his problem......

And if not, the answer has changed by 2022. For a 4GB SD card you go to the store and spend like $5 to get a brand new one. If you can even find one that small!
Thanks Coolwine, I have a new desktop background now.

First I would try that same card in another camera to see if it's an issue with the camera or the card, then I would try importing the same images to another computer. If it's still obviously the card then I would contact the manufacturer as I'm sure there's some kind of warrantee or guarantee.
Still a sweet desktop background
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