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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 11, 2010
Looking to get the new MacBook when it’s released, I do need a new machine now though. I am thinking of getting the current MacBook from there and return within their 90 day return window, in the hope we’ll see a new MacBook by the end of the year. What are your thoughts in this.
Looking to get the new MacBook when it’s released, I do need a new machine now though. I am thinking of getting the current MacBook from there and return within their 90 day return window, in the hope we’ll see a new MacBook by the end of the year. What are your thoughts in this.
Seems dishonest to me. If that’s your plan, the honest action would be to sell it used when you upgrade, rather than stiffing the retailer.
Seems dishonest to me. If that’s your plan, the honest action would be to sell it used when you upgrade, rather than stiffing the retailer.
Dishonest? I might end up keeping.
Seems dishonest to me. If that’s your plan, the honest action would be to sell it used when you upgrade, rather than stiffing the retailer.

So if you bought a new Mac from Apple and a new one was released within 14 days which would you return it or sell it as used, why wouldn’t you exercise your rights as per Apple’s return policy?
I think it depends on intent. I don’t think it’s honest if your intent is to return it. If your intent is to keep it then it’s fine. All of this is just my opinion.
I think it depends on intent. I don’t think it’s honest if your intent is to return it. If your intent is to keep it then it’s fine. All of this is just my opinion.
To keep but of course if there’s an update in the next 90 days I’ll be returning
What are your thoughts in this.
I think it's perfectly acceptable. I worked for decades at IT makers (not Apple), and it's well understood that there needs to be a "window of protection" for the channel around new product launches. The alternative is that the channel (in this case Costco, but others such as Best Buy) would simply stop buying product rather than get stuck with yesterday's product. Knock-on: *you* would stop buying and wait.
My advice? Don't worry about protecting Apple and Costco's business. They're big boys, and they know what they're doing. As long as both sides of the transaction understand the constraints and act within them, it's good.
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I think it's perfectly acceptable. I worked for decades at IT makers (not Apple), and it's well understood that there needs to be a "window of protection" for the channel around new product launches. The alternative is that the channel (in this case Costco, but others such as Best Buy) would simply stop buying product rather than get stuck with yesterday's product. Knock-on: *you* would stop buying and wait.
My advice? Don't worry about protecting Apple and Costco's business. They're big boys, and they know what they're doing. As long as both sides of the transaction understand the constraints and act within them, it's good.

That’s what I was thinking and is the reason I always buy from Costco as there return policy and customer service imo is exceptional, and is the reason they have my repeat business. As long as you adhere to there policy for returns I don’t see there being a problem, I’m not breaking the law
Looking to get the new MacBook when it’s released, I do need a new machine now though. I am thinking of getting the current MacBook from there and return within their 90 day return window, in the hope we’ll see a new MacBook by the end of the year. What are your thoughts in this.

Like another poster said: Costco does not sell Apple computers. They only sell iPads and iPhones.
Looking to get the new MacBook when it’s released, I do need a new machine now though. I am thinking of getting the current MacBook from there and return within their 90 day return window, in the hope we’ll see a new MacBook by the end of the year. What are your thoughts in this.

There was a time you could bring anything back to Costco for any reason at any time. It's stuff like this that caused them to change their policy to 90 days.
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I have to take the view of several other posters here. Getting something with the intention of returning it is not cool. Costco (of which I'm a member) has wonderful return options as long as people don't abuse it. Using a new product then returning it will cause loss of revenue for the entity offering the product. Yeah, Costco is huge and it'll survive, but if everyone did that, returns would be prohibited or limitations enforced.

To each their own... I have relatives that do this with Costco products. I don't like it or think it's right but... it's a free world. I'm not the police. :p

What little I know about Apple and their Macbooks - trying to predict when they release is difficult. So I can't really comment on that. I have a 2017 MBP and bought it 1.5 months before the 2018 MBPs were released. This initially caused me to be frustrated but when I looked at my MBP vs the 2018 offerings - the cost increases, what little new was being offered, undervolting cpus ... I realized I have no buyers remorse.

That said the Macbook is definitely in need of replacement. I sure hope they replace it soon.

And hey, do whatever makes you happy. I wouldn't treat you any different in person (like my relatives) and it's cool to see another Costco member across the pond. :)

Would you keep it if no Macbook was released in 90 days? - Curious.
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There was a time you could bring anything back to Costco for any reason at any time. It's stuff like this that caused them to change their policy to 90 days.
You still can return most things at any time, the 90 days only applies to their electronic items "Whilst nearly all items can be returned without a time limit, the following must be returned within 90 days of purchase: televisions, projectors, computers (including laptops, tablets and PDAs), cameras, camcorders, MP3 players, cellular phones and other products covered by our Electronics Return Policy"
You still can return most things at any time, the 90 days only applies to their electronic items "Whilst nearly all items can be returned without a time limit, the following must be returned within 90 days of purchase: televisions, projectors, computers (including laptops, tablets and PDAs), cameras, camcorders, MP3 players, cellular phones and other products covered by our Electronics Return Policy"

It's my opinion that getting something with the intention of returning it is not cool.

My sister took back a five year old sofa with damage from her cats, and said the cushions were worn out. She got a refund.
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I suspect you're getting this at Costco because it's a better deal, in some ways, than getting it at Apple. That's Costco's business model, at least here in the states. Might be cheaper, might get more stuff with it, or it may come with a longer return policy. Or all of the above. At least here in the states, I think Apple's return policy is 14 days. Recently, my daughter's 2016 MBA failed, and she took it into Apple for AppleCare. It required depot. She's a student, and couldn't be without for 8 days. Their "loaner policy" was to buy a new one, and return It within 14 days.
I don't pretend to know how Apple or any other big company makes money, but this seemed a little crazy. But I know they know what they're doing.
I would take any product back to any retailer if it a) failed to meet expectations or b) came out with a better/newer/cheaper model within the allowable return period. But I get that there's a behavioral continuum on this - my wife prefers that I do the returns. If you're nice/respectful/courteous, never had a problem.
It's my opinion that getting something with the intention of returning it is not cool.

My sister took back a five year old sofa with damage from her cats, and said the cushions were worn out. She got a refund.

I'd only take it back if they released a MacBook within the 90 days, now I would never take back a 5 year old sofa damaged by cats.
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