I had new gmail account I used only once to make account in another forum. And today I got this:
We've detected unusual activity on the account you're trying to access. To continue, please follow the instructions below.
Provide a phone number to continue. We'll send a verification code you can use to sign in.
I don't have a phone I'd give out like this so no testing it. Could this be sign my Mac is infected and someone got to my Gmail account through stealing password? Or if other accounts (my main old Gmail) are not touched, it was just google being stupid?
We've detected unusual activity on the account you're trying to access. To continue, please follow the instructions below.
Provide a phone number to continue. We'll send a verification code you can use to sign in.
I don't have a phone I'd give out like this so no testing it. Could this be sign my Mac is infected and someone got to my Gmail account through stealing password? Or if other accounts (my main old Gmail) are not touched, it was just google being stupid?