I've always been a huge fan of matte screens, and have a matte screen protector on both my iPhone and iPad. I just received my Nano texture iMac on Friday and absolutely love it, with one problem. Since I purchased it I've experienced headaches after sitting behind it for long periods of time.... I know that there is a slight loss in clarity when looking at the screen as compared to glossy, but its not one that is really noticeable to me and I actually find it pleasing to look at. But I'm wondering if my eyes are trying too hard to focus on text as it isn't quite as sharp as it is on a glossy display.
Has anyone else with the Nano display experienced this? I'd hate to return it as I love everything about the iMac but obviously can't work on it if its going to cause me to get headaches. I don't know if they are related but was just curious if it was possible that this screen could be causing it. If anyone has any insight into this I'd appreciate it.
Has anyone else with the Nano display experienced this? I'd hate to return it as I love everything about the iMac but obviously can't work on it if its going to cause me to get headaches. I don't know if they are related but was just curious if it was possible that this screen could be causing it. If anyone has any insight into this I'd appreciate it.