i would like to buy an iBook in working condition. But when I searched at ebay, I noted that the price is around $100-$200, some even higher than that. So I would like to know the fair price for that. Thank you so much!
Under $100 is fair/a good deal depending on what Mac you are looking at. Cubes, G5 Quads, iMac/iBook G3s, and iMac G4s are becoming increasingly expensive and harder to find. On the desktops, shipping prices are extremely high, and people are listing the lower-spec 15" iMac G4s for the same prices as the 20" G4s because they don't know what they are doing, which leads to price increases.
Cube prices have really taken a hit in the past few months. I have found multiple cubes on eBay going for $50 or less, while last year, getting one for around $100 like I did was a steal.
So if You are well used to AZERTY maybe you have a spare QWERTY(äöü)-KB in exchange for another AZERTY...One word of advise, most Clamshells purchased in Europe (with the exception of UK and Spain) will have AZERTY keyboards which - believe me, take some getting used to. I have several Clamshells with UK and AZERTY keyboards, and when using the latter, I always have the French AZERTY keyboard selected by default, so WYSIWYG.
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Yes, you're right! A graphite one ended at $53 at ebay yesterday. Yet, its not my colour so I passed ...Fair price is probably $60. I got one off of shopgoodwill (45 shipped) so you may check there or your local classified website.
If I hadn't missed the end of the auction it would have ended higherYes, you're right! A graphite one ended at $53 at ebay yesterday. Yet, its not my colour so I passed ...
So if You are well used to AZERTY maybe you have a spare QWERTY(äöü)-KB in exchange for another AZERTY...