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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 19, 2011
Rochester ny
Wads excited to get the M1Ultra Mac Studio, for about two days, while it sat in the box. Set it up, minimal migration from old machine: barebones user, network settings, applications.Config: Studio, two external monitors, one via HDMI, the other TB to HDMI, JBOD with 6TB striped group, wired keyboard, wireless trackpad. Noticed that if I moved the cursor too fast it would Panic. After dealing with that six times I thought let's try FCP - poof Panic, same with iMovie. Now Spotlight is going berserk on the JBOD, 600+ % CPU. and Panic. Six more times and phone to support. Net result, clean install of Monterey -- wipe disk, machine hangs. To Apple GB and get OS reinstalled. Barebones fake user, connect JNOD and poof/lockup. Back to the GB. No tools to diagnose, no in-store repair, no option to send out for repair. Apple now using it's discretion and just returning for refund, per the Warranty. So, not too ham handed and if I decide I'm going to risk it again, I can order and wait until June.
Sounds like you received the lemon of lemons.
Maybe excluding spotlight from that JBOD would have helped, while waiting for a fix?
Don't feel alone. I ordered a max 10 core, 32 core GPU, 1TB SSD. Got it 2 weeks ago and after updating 12.3.1 started getting kernel panics. Went clean no transfer from my old mac. Was panicking overnight, when I would access it the next day I would have the login screen. Took it to Apple and they were puzzled. They would have taken it back on the spot but I wanted to try a couple of more things. Tried a clean OS install but it still happened. Threw in the towel over the weekend and returned yesterday.

Ordered a new one yesterday and delivery is expected end of May early June.

Apple was very good about the whole issue.
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