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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Many moons ago I bought a 12" 1.33Ghz Powerbook - I was very happy with it apart from the battery - it would only last around 10 minutes but appeared to hold that charge intact if unused for months.
A year or so ago I reset the PMU and the battery 'remembered' it had more life and would last 40 minutes.
Today, I picked it up - being a few days since I used it last but it wouldn't start, the battery had folded and it also refused to charge. After resetting the PMU I charged it fully and left it running to calibrate the battery - now it's running for 2 hours 9 minutes!
I don't know what, if any conclusion to draw but thought I'd share.
Many moons ago I bought a 12" 1.33Ghz Powerbook - I was very happy with it apart from the battery - it would only last around 10 minutes but appeared to hold that charge intact if unused for months.
A year or so ago I reset the PMU and the battery 'remembered' it had more life and would last 40 minutes.
Today, I picked it up - being a few days since I used it last but it wouldn't start, the battery had folded and it also refused to charge. After resetting the PMU I charged it fully and left it running to calibrate the battery - now it's running for 2 hours 9 minutes!
I don't know what, if any conclusion to draw but thought I'd share.

Insanity doesn’t stop at people evidently. :D
I have an original >22-year-old battery for my PowerBook 1400 that refuses to die. Still gives ~2 hours from a full charge.

I also have an original TiBook battery that does the same, it's got to be pushing 18 years now.

I've never understood why.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Same thing and results on my 12" PowerBook G4. I have more problems with old power cords on the PowerBook G4 and iBook G3s. Recently with the PowerBook G4, the power wasn't connecting and I could hear something internally making a popping noise, as the software switched back and forth between not charging, and the battery supposedly not having any time left. It would be great to have "new" power cords and the batteries replaced with new cells.
My TiBook battery still lasts 2+ hours and I have a Key Lime clamshell with an original battery that also lasts 4+ hours. I also have some batteries that are dead as bricks though.

My 12” battery only charges to 23%...
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