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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 19, 2006
Renfrew, Scotland
Yikes not been around here for a while.

I dug out my old Macs at the weekend, the 2000 Graphite G3 seems to have had it, the hard drive is spinning but the CRT won't energise.

However the 1994 Performa 5320 started up and I was playing some games on it over the weekend. However went to start it up last night and I'm getting the symbol of the Disc and Question Mark so it can't find the boot disc, maybe a bit of corruption on the HD. At this point I would usually stick in the original boot CD and do a disc repair but given the passage of 24 years I can't find the original system software. I think it was 7.5.3 (but possibly 7.5.1?)

I see that Apple have made this software available free of charge, is there any way I can make a replacement boot CD using my Mac Mini with external DVD burner?


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Yikes not been around here for a while.

I dug out my old Macs at the weekend, the 2000 Graphite G3 seems to have had it, the hard drive is spinning but the CRT won't energise.

However the 1994 Performa 5320 started up and I was playing some games on it over the weekend. However went to start it up last night and I'm getting the symbol of the Disc and Question Mark so it can't find the boot disc, maybe a bit of corruption on the HD. At this point I would usually stick in the original boot CD and do a disc repair but given the passage of 24 years I can't find the original system software. I think it was 7.5.3 (but possibly 7.5.1?)

I see that Apple have made this software available free of charge, is there any way I can make a replacement boot CD using my Mac Mini with external DVD burner?

I haven't had a chance to test this theory, but given Roxio's Toast has deep Mac OS roots, I imagine it will do the job of creating a bootable System 7 CD. I still use Toast Titanium v9.0.7 which works fine in El Cap on my Mac Pro and Leopard on my G5s.

Download the System 7.5.3 .img file from the Internet Archive:

Then drag the .img file onto the "Copy" section in Toast and it will recognize the old style image as an HFS CD-ROM, ready to burn.

I tried mounting it from here, but OS X complains about it being an unrecognized format. Still, it should burn OK for the Performa, even if it doesn't mount on the newer Macs.

Could be worth a try if you have a disc to spare.


EDIT: Yes, what @eddjedi said. You beat me to it :)
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Absolutely outstanding! Thanks that's exactly what I needed. I'll give it a bash tonight.

I might hang around again and see if I can fix the G3.

Thanks for all your help.
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