I need to convert my large product pictures (taken on my Nikon d3400) into crisp, clear images that won’t make my website slow to load. I’d really prefer to stay away from photoshop... I hate that I have to rent and can’t just buy.
A great example of what I consider quality product photos can be found on www.sweetwater.com
Can this type of quality be created on the iPad Pro? I’ve tried affinity, pixelmator and I like what I’m creating when it’s 1200pix or greater ... but shrinking the photos has resulted in some really poor photos. Please help.
A great example of what I consider quality product photos can be found on www.sweetwater.com
Can this type of quality be created on the iPad Pro? I’ve tried affinity, pixelmator and I like what I’m creating when it’s 1200pix or greater ... but shrinking the photos has resulted in some really poor photos. Please help.