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How many generations are you skipping?

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macrumors G3
Original poster
Oct 17, 2014
Colorado, USA
While most of the complaints about the 13 are that it's lackluster compared to last year's model, many of us aren't upgrading from last year's model. iPhones offer much more longevity than they used to, making it possible to keep one for 3, 4, even 5 years. The s iterations have been some of the best for longevity, as they focus on improving the shortcomings of the prior generation.

I'm curious how big of a jump it'll be for those of us in here.
My 7+ died and I've been using a relatives 8+ for about a year now.
I plan to upgrade to the 13 Max Pro most likley.
I'm not in a rush.
I had all models of iPhones and stopped at the XS max..
Was not worth to continue upgrading when crucial features were missing… 5G ,120hz screen, cameras, ultra wide lens, etc. So i went with Samsung for the last two years. And im ready to come back with the iphone 13Pro Max
I am upgrading from the 11 pro max to the 13 pro max. Enough enhancements to make it worth while.
I stopped with yearly upgrades a couple of years ago. They ONLY reason I am jumping ship from my 11 Pro is I want more storage space since Apple Music is now available in lossless. This time however I am going standard, not Pro. I just don't use the Pro extras. My son however will enjoy the handed down phone so it's a win-win.
Last year I handed down my 7+ to my son and got a 12. We traded phones back this week in preparation for the pre-order. It will feel amazing to go from this 7+ to a 13. The battery on the 7+ is awful but after 5 years it probably should be.
Been happy with my XS Max for 3 years now. Excited that this upgrade (13 Pro Max) will finally feel like something new. I used to upgrade every year prior to the XS Max and got tired of never really feeling like I was getting anything too different. My battery life has really started to slip and the 120hz will be really great.
For the last 4 years (since I started my first professional job and can afford the phone), I've upgraded every year and don't regret it :) Sure, sometimes some years are more exciting than others, but my phone is something I value and don't mind spending my $ on. Some people like to buy fancy clothes or fancy furniture, I like to spend my $ on tech stuff and treat myself on that :p
I'm upgrading my UK 12PM to the US 13PM as I wanted mmWave and wider 5G support plus hopefully a phone which doesn't burn up when using 5G like my current one does!
I went with the 12 Mini last year. Battery life was an issue so I returned back to my XR. I'm giving it one more chance this year.
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