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macrumors G4
Original poster
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
any app, or simple way to do this?

am using a 3rd-party keyboard with my imac. no esc key! i remapped (in sys prefs>keyboard) the esc key to the caps lock key, but... wondering if there's a simple app or something to allow me to create a mapping (ie 'option-1' or something similar).

anyone? (i know some touch bar users miss the physical key, so figure there must be a way to do this...)


macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2015
You want Karabiner Elements — it’s a free program which gives you a lot of control over how your keyboard works. It has a simple mode which allows you to do straight remapping (eg remapping say the Caps Lock key, or a function key to Escape), but it can also do more complex remapping.

For example, I have set it up so that a single tap on the Caps Lock key = Escape, but holding it down acts as another Control key (the latter is the single biggest improvement you can make to any keyboard!). Similarly, a tap on the Return key = Return, but holding it acts again as another Control key. (I enter Caps Lock mode by pressing both shift keys together.)

These are very useful enhancements — and fortunately, they’re available for download from the site, so it doesn’t require any programming skill.

You can find it here: (I’m not affiliated it with BTW, just a happy user... it’s the second program I install on a new Mac, after Keyboard Maestro.)


macrumors G4
Original poster
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
You want Karabiner Elements — it’s a free program which gives you a lot of control over how your keyboard works. It has a simple mode which allows you to do straight remapping (eg remapping say the Caps Lock key, or a function key to Escape), but it can also do more complex remapping.

For example, I have set it up so that a single tap on the Caps Lock key = Escape, but holding it down acts as another Control key (the latter is the single biggest improvement you can make to any keyboard!). Similarly, a tap on the Return key = Return, but holding it acts again as another Control key. (I enter Caps Lock mode by pressing both shift keys together.)

These are very useful enhancements — and fortunately, they’re available for download from the site, so it doesn’t require any programming skill.

You can find it here: (I’m not affiliated it with BTW, just a happy user... it’s the second program I install on a new Mac, after Keyboard Maestro.)

ha, downloaded it 15 minutes ago! and mapped the left arrow & right arrow to the system volume up/down; am good using apple's default option to make the caps lock key my escape key.

thanx tho! good info for others as well....
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