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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2019
in xcode 15.3, coca objc, the auto resize does not work, the custom view does not adjust. In the display view function:
[myViewController setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
How to format a line as code?.
Sorry if I cannot help you, but basically are you sure that its parent view has the autoresizing?
Probably the main view has automatic auto resize, but if this property usually works, probably the experts can't imagine why this happens, for that reason you have no answers. You should share more informations (also screenshots if useful). Try also to color every view (myView and its parents) to see their precise behaviour. Yeah, my advises are naive.

By the way, after a rapid search on the guide (, if possible in Obj C, try to use NSView.AutoresizingMask instead of "old school" constants.
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