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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 27, 2015
Calgary, AB, Canada
I have an iPhone 5S (iOS 8.3). I use a Garmin Edge 500 cycling computer. I would like to get the cycling data from Garmin Connect into Apple Health.

Garmin Connect and Apple health do communicate with each other. But, cycling data isn't transferred. It looks like I'm going to need an intermediate application to do this. I do have a Training Peaks account, and my Garmin Connect syncs with that, but I don't think that it syncs with Apple Health (I may have something set incorrectly).

Does anyone have a recommendation for an app that will work as an intermediate step to get the data into Apple Health?

This is being brought on by the fact that I rode for an hour this morning, and my Apple Watch only shows 10 exercise minutes, which just really annoys me.
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I did have this working previously, but it has been non-functional for a while now. The previous method to get it to work was a little convoluted:

Garmin 800 to Garmin connect (web), which would then transfer to both TrainingPeaks and Strava (web, although then all data would be available on the corresponding iPhone apps). The Health App allowed the Strava app to push cycling distance to Health.

Several months ago, this stopped working, and I am not sure why.

I haven't played around with this too much, mostly because I find the Health app a little rudimentary, especially compared with other apps such as TrainingPeaks, but would be interested to know if anyone else has this working.
Thanks, Scotty.

I download the iOS Strava app and updated my Strava account (on the web) to sync with Garmin Connect. It is nice to see that has finally been re-implemented. I was using tapiriik to sync Garmin Connect and Strava after Garmin changed their API (started charging developers for it), and I decided it was too big a pain in the backside so I stopped using Strava.

After Strava synched from Garmin, I logged into the Strava iOS App. Under Settings--->Link Other Services I activated Apple Health.

Once Apple Health identified it (took around 10 minutes . . . there has to be a better way to do it) I enabled Strava (in Apple Health) to write data for all of the options it gave me. I permitted Strava to read all of the options in Apple Health.

After a few minutes, my cycling data synched to Apple Health.

There's another piece to this puzzle, as Apple Health isn't writing this morning's ride to the iOS "Activites" application as "Exercise." Health and Activities aren't communicating with each other the way I thought they were.

Despite having a new conundrum, my initial one is now resolved. Thanks again!
Interesting that it works for you. I deleted and re-added Strava, configured to share cycling distance with Health, and... nothing has happened. I don't care a whole lot, but it is a little annoying...

(and I did wait, it has been over 12 hours...)
Edit: pushing data from myfitnesspal to Health DOES work... hmmm

Another edit - looks like some others are having the same problem and a fix may be in the works. From the Strava forums:
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