I keep getting this message whenever I am installing or updating tweaks and applications, even though I have like 35GB free space on my phone. Does anyone know why this is happening? Is this a Cydia bug?
I keep getting this message whenever I am installing or updating tweaks and applications, even though I have like 35GB free space on my phone. Does anyone know why this is happening? Is this a Cydia bug?
I keep getting this message whenever I am installing or updating tweaks and applications, even though I have like 35GB free space on my phone. Does anyone know why this is happening? Is this a Cydia bug?
This can be ( and normally has to do with ) the space system side. Not your free gigs. Note the picture. The high number at the top.... The newer jailbreaks fill that up more than the older ones. I've ran into your issue multiple times. Although I don't recommend using it, iCleaner can help you here. But there are downfalls. By deleting languages, keyboards, and dictionaries with iCleaner, you can reduce this. It isn't 100 % necessary, and some users that delete unused Lang files run into lengthy restores due to Apple having to rebuild them during restore. Personally, I've done this from the days of iOS 4.... And never had an issue.
Again, read up first and never delete anything you're unsure of.
Here's my 5s I just did.
As you can see, the system partition file size has been reduced.
1st image is My 6 on 9.0.2, the other set are from a 5s on 10.2
I don't know enough about stashing to comment, but like I said, just research before hand. Best of luck
I keep getting this message whenever I am installing or updating tweaks and applications, even though I have like 35GB free space on my phone. Does anyone know why this is happening? Is this a Cydia bug?