Sadly, there is no longer a market for a sub $100 flat-file DB tool. For consumers, they don't want to spend the money on a general purpose database tool but rather a specialized database program like a DVD Catalog app. For large companies, they'll use a more expensive and powerful relational database tool. But for advanced consumers and small businesses, a flat-file database tool would serve their needs. These flat-file apps don't command a high price though.
FileMaker knew that and that was why Bento needed to die. By killing off Bento, they forced small business to pony up to buy FileMaker. People right here in this thread are even recommending FileMaker for a very basic database need. Mission accomplished FileMaker!
There were many good flat-file database programs over the decades... PC-File and dBase, Geoworks Database, MS Works database, ClarisWorks/AppleWorks Database, then on the Mac, Bento. Now, there are none that stand out and have a heavy-weight developer behind it.
... now off to yell at some kids to get off my lawn.