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If you have pickup avail when purchase you ok

i am late so bestbuy is second plan

anyway i got pickup at bestbuy Nov 3rd too
So i got the email for 11/3 iphone x pick up. Will it change or no?
Does it say your iPhone is gonna be sent to the Apple Store you chose? Cause I did in-store pickup as well, but its being sent to the billing address instead for some odd reason. but then the case i got with it is being sent to the apple store!
It has been my experience that if they say it will be ready then it will be. There are still Verizon 64GB SG available for pickup in Los Angeles on launch day.
So am I good ?


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Man, I saw the title this thread and spent like 10 minutes trying to get in here... and finally when Macrumor servers kicked back in, I find out it’s fake.
Oops last reply was to the wrong thread.... that was meant for the waiting outside the Apple Store one...

Apples dates are usually accurate, if anything they might ship it sooner... however. Last year UPS had some major problems getting a few shipments over here from China on time. It wasn’t apples for the apple was nice enough to give a lot of people free cases. Actually got a leather case for free because of it.
i buy 3000 dollar cameras with 2000 dollar lens. 1000 is nothing

I don't buy $5000 camera set ups. Personally all my pics are shot using an iPhone, but I am with you on paying full price. If you can afford it just pay it and get it over with. Thats what I did on my 2.
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