Ok, so I'm sure this dead horse has been beaten pretty badly but i thought i would see if you guys can help. Mom plugged in her iPad Air before bed, woke up and it wont respond. Tried both PC and MAC. and different charging cables. PC windows 8 says "Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed) (Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43) A request for the USB device descriptor failed. The MacBook Does nothing. iTunes won't recognize it or notice it on either OS. Holding power button doesn't work, holding home and power button doesn't work, holding home button while plugging in to computer doesn't work, just a black screen.
Anybody have any other ideas?
Its pretty upsetting that a 600$ device that never leaves the couch, let alone the house would just up and die like this.
Anybody have any other ideas?
Its pretty upsetting that a 600$ device that never leaves the couch, let alone the house would just up and die like this.