Hi guys,
I just got my iMac Retina a few days ago and I love the display. However it bothers me how 95% of the content on the internet such as webpages and games are not optimized for 5K. I knew prior to purchasing that this was the case but using it on a daily basis I can't get over how ugly the internet is. Aside from the Apple website, pages like Yahoo or games like League of Legends look terrible on the 5K. Of course this is not the iMac's fault but solely because every imperfection is magnified on the screen.
Is there any way to lower the resolution to be like a standard iMac? I use a standard iMac at work and ironically it looks much better than the 5K. I say this not as a pixel quality standpoint but from a resolution standpoint. I would like to use the 5K when I do design work but just use standard definition when I'm surfing the web and such.
I just got my iMac Retina a few days ago and I love the display. However it bothers me how 95% of the content on the internet such as webpages and games are not optimized for 5K. I knew prior to purchasing that this was the case but using it on a daily basis I can't get over how ugly the internet is. Aside from the Apple website, pages like Yahoo or games like League of Legends look terrible on the 5K. Of course this is not the iMac's fault but solely because every imperfection is magnified on the screen.
Is there any way to lower the resolution to be like a standard iMac? I use a standard iMac at work and ironically it looks much better than the 5K. I say this not as a pixel quality standpoint but from a resolution standpoint. I would like to use the 5K when I do design work but just use standard definition when I'm surfing the web and such.