When checking out of Apple's online store for buying an iPhone, I find the options regarding AppleCare+ for "paid monthly till cancelled" to be rather vague. Has anyone navigated what I consider to be an atypically "it just doesn't work" aspect of Apple's online checkout method and found clarity?
A "pay-by-month-till-cancelled for AppleCare+" option appears only when one chooses the "pay in full" option."

The info presented when choosing the monthly Apple Card payments is very unclear, reading like AppleCare+ is solely only for just 24 months. Does anyone know if it continues indefinitely at $6.20 if the buyer does nothing after month 24? Talking with Apple help chat provided no clear guidance.

If one navigates the purchase process when in the Education store, it seems no monthly option is presented for the iPhone itself and/or AppleCare+ monthly:

A "pay-by-month-till-cancelled for AppleCare+" option appears only when one chooses the "pay in full" option."

The info presented when choosing the monthly Apple Card payments is very unclear, reading like AppleCare+ is solely only for just 24 months. Does anyone know if it continues indefinitely at $6.20 if the buyer does nothing after month 24? Talking with Apple help chat provided no clear guidance.

If one navigates the purchase process when in the Education store, it seems no monthly option is presented for the iPhone itself and/or AppleCare+ monthly: