Hi, just wondering if someone with a new late-2016 MBP w/ Radeon card would try these simple steps to see if they get a graphic glitch?
Fire up Siri to do anything or nothing. Just make sure to leave the Siri window open.
Once Siri is done doing something or nothing, fire up Photos. Does the Siri window change to strange colours?
Notice in my screen caps that the "High Perf." card is running with problematic window.
Just trying to confirm if it's a problem with my new hardware
. Or, software which they will eventually fix... I am running the latest 10.12.2 beta 6.
Fire up Siri to do anything or nothing. Just make sure to leave the Siri window open.
Once Siri is done doing something or nothing, fire up Photos. Does the Siri window change to strange colours?
Notice in my screen caps that the "High Perf." card is running with problematic window.
Just trying to confirm if it's a problem with my new hardware