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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 23, 2006
Quick question,

I made the mistake of not defragging my HD before I installed Leopard, and now Boot Camp won't let me create a Windows partition... since I need to defrag. Are there any defragging programs that are currently compatible with 10.5? Obviously I don't want to completely destroy my computer by using something that isn't.


macrumors G3
Apr 30, 2004
Leopard's Disk Utility allows you to resize Mac partitions. If it doesn't allow you to do it on the Startup Disk, put your Leopard DVD in and do it from there.

It should be able to move the files.

Alternatively, DiskStudio seems to be working for me. It's got me out of BC related sticky patches before ;)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 2, 2006
Are we there yet?
You only need to "defrag" in Windows. It's not something you need to consider for the Mac. Your problem with Bootcamp lies elsewhere. What messages are you getting, and have you taken a look yet in the Windows on the Mac section yet?


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 23, 2006
Before you installed Leopard?

I am aware I should have done it before I installed Leopard. That's why I said in the original post that I made the mistake of not doing it first.

Leopard's Disk Utility allows you to resize Mac partitions. If it doesn't allow you to do it on the Startup Disk, put your Leopard DVD in and do it from there.

It should be able to move the files.

Alternatively, DiskStudio seems to be working for me. It's got me out of BC related sticky patches before ;)

Interesting. I'll look into that. Thanks.

You only need to "defrag" in Windows. It's not something you need to consider for the Mac. Your problem with Bootcamp lies elsewhere. What messages are you getting, and have you taken a look yet in the Windows on the Mac section yet?

No, my problem does not lie elsewhere. Here's the message I'm getting:
"The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved.

Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again."


macrumors 6502a
Dec 9, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
Getting the same problem and all sources on the web point to defragging. Until I can find a defragging util which works with Leopard I can't do anything.

Its things like this that blow out the "it just works" tagline for me :(


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
The problem is that there isn't tnough contiguous free space for the BC partition editor to do it's thing. It's possible that iDefrag could be the easy answer to this problem. But personally, I don't like meddle-on-the-fly partition editors. I don't trust them. So I always opt for the safe route, a SuperDuper! clone off and back on. BC works as normal. It's always good to have a back up. :)
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