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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 29, 2014
Editing a short video with FC Express.

Everyone's advice seems to point to using MP4 (H.264) as my best bet for high quality export (for a Kickstarter video), but that option doesn't seem to include the deinterlace option that the Quicktime conversion has, and without it I get those little annoying distorted lines during fast movement.

Am I missing something? Thanks!

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
I'm not familiar with FCE but in many other programs the solution would be to do the de-interlacing before the export stage.

See if there's a way to make a new timeline that's set to progressive scan (but still has the same frame rate and frame size as your old one). Then cut and paste your entire project into the new one. You'll have a de-interlaced project before you even go to export it.

I can't promise that this will work in FCE, but that's the first thing I'd look into were you to sit me down in front of it.


macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2003
Editing a short video with FC Express.

Everyone's advice seems to point to using MP4 (H.264) as my best bet for high quality export (for a Kickstarter video), but that option doesn't seem to include the deinterlace option that the Quicktime conversion has, and without it I get those little annoying distorted lines during fast movement.

Am I missing something? Thanks!

My suggestion is to export a full quality movie from FCE, open it in MPEG Streamclip (free software) and export to MP4 from that. The export options in that program allow for de-interlacing and it uses the Quicktime engine to transcode.
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