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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 29, 2008
New York
Is there a way to delate all text messages at once. I find the one at a time method very tedious.
Unfortunately, there is no delete all messages. However, you can hit "Edit" and manually select each message threads to delete all at once.
Would it be so difficult to allow for a delete all? It's crazy I have to sit there and hunt and peck to delete messages one by one. It could be a simple force touch option. I've always enjoyed Apple products but 10 years later they still can't seem to get the fundamental things right. Can't wait to see the next whiz bang feature that works flawlessly I will never ever use.
You can’t do this on the watch can you?

I use iMessage with my spouse - and we send a LOT of texts to each other (we both work). I have to often go in and wipe out our text messages on my watch because it fills up. Swipe left, select Trash then hit Trash again. Ugh.
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