Hi there, hope this is the correct place to post this problem!
I have a iMac 27-inch, mid-2011 running El Capitan 10.11.1.
A week or so ago, I was unable to delete files from my Trash, so Googled for some way to force delete the items (as you used to be able to in earlier iterations of OSX). I found the following terminal line: sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash /Volumes/*/.Trashes (from here: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/209031/how-do-i-force-the-trash-to-empty-on-el-captan). This did the trick, but, ever since, every time I go to delete a file, I get the 'will be deleted immediately' dialogue and the file is indeed deleted immediately, without going into Trash. I am a novice Mac user (as you will probably have gathered!) so don't understand what the Terminal line did that I entered (the place I found it said that its purpose was just to empty the trash – I try to be very careful when running terminal, as I know that it can cause major problems!).
Any advice on how I can reverse the command and get my deleted files going to my Trash again as normal would be greatly appreciated.
I have a iMac 27-inch, mid-2011 running El Capitan 10.11.1.
A week or so ago, I was unable to delete files from my Trash, so Googled for some way to force delete the items (as you used to be able to in earlier iterations of OSX). I found the following terminal line: sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash /Volumes/*/.Trashes (from here: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/209031/how-do-i-force-the-trash-to-empty-on-el-captan). This did the trick, but, ever since, every time I go to delete a file, I get the 'will be deleted immediately' dialogue and the file is indeed deleted immediately, without going into Trash. I am a novice Mac user (as you will probably have gathered!) so don't understand what the Terminal line did that I entered (the place I found it said that its purpose was just to empty the trash – I try to be very careful when running terminal, as I know that it can cause major problems!).
Any advice on how I can reverse the command and get my deleted files going to my Trash again as normal would be greatly appreciated.