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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 11, 2012

I'm doing some stuff on SD cards. I deleted a folder, then tried to copy another folder onto it, and there wasn't enough space for it. So I deleted everything off the SD card, but there still wasn't enough space. :confused:

I gave up and put the card into a PC. That's when I realised what was going on...

The SD card had a load of files beginning with a '.' on it. When I deleted these with the PC, the space was available again.

So, it seems to come down to the fact that on my rMBP, I don't delete the files, I 'Move them to Trash'!! :rolleyes:

So, how do I delete stuff from an SD card with my rMBP? If I 'Empty Trash' will it clear the stuff off the SD card as well as the Mac? I'm not sure I want to empty the Mac's trash, but I certainly want to empty the SD card's trash - assuming it has one. Is there a way to just empty the SD card's trash?

What's the best way to go about removing stuff from an SD card with a rMBP?

yes you have to empty the trash. for me anything i put in the trash is stuff i want deleted permanently. don't know why you'd keep a ton of stuff in the trash bin.
Trash is trash, if you move something from your HDD to the trash and then move something from the SD card to the trash then both items will show up in the trash. "Moving" something to the trash doesn't remove it from the device, it just marks them for deletion. They will continue to take of space until you empty the trash, at which time the files will be deleted.

The process of deleting items off your SD card isn't any different than any other device. The "trash" is not a place to store anything you want to keep, if you don't want to empty it and delete trashed items off your HDD then you're not using the trash properly.
Why empty the trash unnecessarily though? It's not like it's going to attract rats. I've got 250 Gb free space at the moment, so I don't need to empty it for a while.

That one time you're looking for something important, and it turns up in the trash...

Anyway, how do I delete stuff from the SD card? Do I have to use rm?
Why empty the trash unnecessarily though? It's not like it's going to attract rats. I've got 250 Gb free space at the moment, so I don't need to empty it for a while.


Why NOT clear out the trash? Are you a troll? Beginning to think you are...

That one time you're looking for something important, and it turns up in the trash...

The "Trash" isn't some special folder. You shouldn't be moving items to the trash if you don't fully intend on deleting them.

Anyway, how do I delete stiff from the SD card? Do I have to use rm?

You can use rm, sure. Or you could just use the trash for what it's intended.

Oh, and keep current backups of your computer using Time Machine to backup to an external drive, then you don't have to worry about "Oops, did I accidentally delete this super awesomely important file that I put in the Trash because I'm not using my computer properly?" :cool:
Thanks! :D

Don't you hate it when you get called a troll, just because you don't want to conform? ;)

Just the other day I drove my car into the lake and it didn't float, why can't I use my car as a boat?!

It's not about not conforming, you simply don't seem to understand what the trash is for and how it works. You call that not conforming, I call it using a hammer as a screwdriver.

Why NOT clear out the trash? Are you a troll? Beginning to think you are...

The "Trash" isn't some special folder. You shouldn't be moving items to the trash if you don't fully intend on deleting them.

You can use rm, sure. Or you could just use the trash for what it's intended.

Oh, and keep current backups of your computer using Time Machine to backup to an external drive, then you don't have to worry about "Oops, did I accidentally delete this super awesomely important file that I put in the Trash because I'm not using my computer properly?" :cool:

Why would Apple and Microsoft create a Recycling Bin that stores items before being deleted if there wasn't a useful purpose for the folder? Otherwise, like in Win 3.1 and Dos, you'd just delete and files would be permanently deleted unless you used file recovery software. I like having the usefulness of the Recycling Bin for my main drive, but the SD card is different because of the application. Windows deletes permanently automatically, Mac Doesn't.
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Hilarious! I've been building computer since I was 12 and been in IT for decades for PC's. Using Mac along side of it now and there are some differences, of course. The funny thing is that you're stating your opinion as fact. I can use whatever folder I want in whatever capacity I would like. There is not a freaking rule book about the Recycle Bin. Use it how YOU WOULD LIKE to, but don't tell me that your opinion is fact. I think I know how to use a computer extremely proficiently, thank you! Anyone with valid information for this post could chime in, regardless of the fact of it's minuscule age for computer technology and the fact that it still applies for current products.

"Recycle Bins" aren't meant to be used for storing files you want to KEEP. Period. They're for putting files you're not sure you want to keep and eventually emptying when you know you don't need what's inside. Anyone that uses the Recycle Bin as some file storage location for files they want to keep needs to learn how to use their computer properly.

Come on now.
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Hilarious! I've been building computer since I was 12 and been in IT for decades for PC's. Using Mac along side of it now and there are some differences, of course. The funny thing is that you're stating your opinion as fact. I can use whatever folder I want in whatever capacity I would like. There is not a freaking rule book about the Recycle Bin. Use it how YOU WOULD LIKE to, but don't tell me that your opinion is fact. I think I know how to use a computer extremely proficiently, thank you! Anyone with valid information for this post could chime in, regardless of the fact of it's minuscule age for computer technology and the fact that it still applies for current products.

You have contributed nothing of value to this thread other than to say people can use the trash can however they like and how dare I state something as fact.

If someone wants to use the trash to store important files instead of creating a proper folder for such files so be it. And when they accidentally empty the trash and lose those important files then they will suffer the consequences of their poor decisions.

I don’t know about you, but I store uncashed checks in my trash. I’ve only accidentally thrown out checks a handful of times, but gosh darn it I like using the trash better than those dang folders and filing cabinets.
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