I'm tidying up my photo library and have a collection of approx. 25k files from various sources. I know there are duplicate and unneeded files within this set. I have imported them into the Photo app with the view to sort through and find the files that aren't needed. Then export the library again before importing into my iCloud Photo Library.
Is there anyway to remove the underlying referenced file when removing the (referenced) file from the Photo app? What seems to happen is that the photo is removed from the library but the original file persists. They are definitely imported as referenced files and the Copy items to Photo library is deselected.
If this isn't possible in Photos - I would appreciate any other apps suggestions that might suit.
I'm tidying up my photo library and have a collection of approx. 25k files from various sources. I know there are duplicate and unneeded files within this set. I have imported them into the Photo app with the view to sort through and find the files that aren't needed. Then export the library again before importing into my iCloud Photo Library.
Is there anyway to remove the underlying referenced file when removing the (referenced) file from the Photo app? What seems to happen is that the photo is removed from the library but the original file persists. They are definitely imported as referenced files and the Copy items to Photo library is deselected.
If this isn't possible in Photos - I would appreciate any other apps suggestions that might suit.