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macrumors G3
Original poster
May 3, 2014
I finally succeeded in getting my Macintosh SE opened up(after finding a long enough screwdriver) and unfortunately found a lot of verdigris and other corrosion on parts of the logic board.

I can't get a hard drive to work(I tried a couple of different, known good 50 pin SCSI drives) and I suspect it's due to corrosion around the SCSI socket on the logic board.

I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried DeOxit to deal with this type of situation? As per their website, this is what the "D" series sprays were made to do, but I don't want to spend $15 on something that won't work, or even worse could possibly cause damage. Radio Shack here in town has D5S-6 in stock, so I can get some today and am anxious to try it if it will work. As I said, though, I wanted to ask before trying.

Thanks in advance for any help.


macrumors 68020
Mar 16, 2008
Australia, Perth
If it's corrosion of metal, then it might get rid of it, HOWEVER, if it's due to a leaky capacitor, your problems go much deeper.

If this is a plain SE (NOT an SE/30) then it's more than likely a component failure. Plain SE's don't tend to suffer from leaking capacitors on the logic board (thankfully), although I've seen reports of leaked batteries - some are socketted, some are soldered.

A pic of the corrosion you're seeing might be helpful.

If the 50 pin hard drives are fitted internally, it might be worthwhile checking the +5volt and +12volt power when the drive is fitted. The extra load of a hard drive MIGHT be pulling the voltages too low. Some pics of the drive (jumpers, terminators, SCSI cable fitting) might also help to pinpoint possible problems.


macrumors G3
Original poster
May 3, 2014
My curiosity got the better of me(if nothing else I figured the DeOxit would help me on my Zenith Trans-Oceanic radio).

In any case, I gave the SCSI socket on the logic board a squirt of it then connected/disconnected the cable several times as per the instructions.

I have System 7 installing at the moment. Unfortunately, the internal floppy is dead(I need to try and rebuild it) but in the mean time I have an external that's working great.(If anyone could point me toward an online guide to rebuilding the SuperDrive, I'd be most appreciative).


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