I purchased apple watch series 5 recently, and set up as usual in my iPhone (iOS 13.1.2). After completion, there are two same name devices under "Health app", while one is paired and another one is unpaired. I changed the watch's name in "Setting" > "General" under watchos 6, and it would change the name of "paired" watch. However, the name of "unpaired" watch does not follow. Besides, my fitness data is captured under "unpaired" watch, and "paired" watch remains empty fitness data.
Try to unpair and pair the watch again, and no luck. I think it is software bug, and not sure it has been fixed in iOS 13.1.3 and watchos 6.0.1.
Try to unpair and pair the watch again, and no luck. I think it is software bug, and not sure it has been fixed in iOS 13.1.3 and watchos 6.0.1.