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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2018
Hi guys, new to the forum. After not having a Mac for years I decided to pull the trigger on a open box mid 2015 15" MBP. I got if from Best Buy for $1350+tax. This was a return with 3 battery cycles (mint).

Here are the specs:MacBook® Pro - 15.4" Display - Intel Core i7 - 16GB Memory - 256GB Flash Storage.

Should I keep this or go for the touch bar 13" with 512GB SSD for $1550+tax?

I kind of feel I bought old technology instead of going with the lasted model.

Please let me know your thoughts .

Thank you!
It’s a great computer. Really reliable and fast. It will handle anything you are be able to throw at it.

If you find portability/battery life to be more important than raw specs then maybe it’s better to go for a different model.

Ultimately you bought a brilliant machine, so it wasn’t a bad purchasing choice. Whether or not it’s the best model for your needs and priorities — that can’t be decided by us.
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It seems like your choice is between an apple and an orange but if this reassures you - what you have purchased is a very capable computer.

The touchbar is not necessary nor unnecessary, it's just different. I wouldn't have it be the deciding factor for your decision, unless it is something you simply cannot live without after experiencing it. With that being the unlikely case, you have purchased a very solid machine with more screen real estate and strong components for less money that will not be outdated for a very long time, depending on your computing needs. You certainly did not buy old technology.
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i would have gone through apple for peace of mind.
Can you not still get Apple Care on open boxed items?

I thought that AC was still able to be purchased.

With AC, can can have peace of mind and still save money.
I'd keep it and get AppleCare with the money you saved.

My prediction is that a 2015-design MBPro 15" bought TODAY will actually LAST LONGER THAN a 2017 MacBook Pro 15" bought today...
My prediction is that a 2015-design MBPro 15" bought TODAY will actually LAST LONGER THAN a 2017 MacBook Pro 15" bought today...

I also think that this will end up happening.

It is a good deal. Get AC if you want extra peace of mind, but that is a decent machine.
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