I have a BTO 2020 MBP 13" on the way - 10th gen i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB, SSD. Coming from an original (mid 2012) 15" retina MBP with 16GB RAM, 512Gb SSD. That machine is still going strong after a battery replacement and wifi/BT card upgrade. When I was configuring the 13" the upgrade to 32GB just didn't seem worth the $400 that Apple charges. I don't do any pro video or photo editing, just the occasional home movie editing and may occasionally run a Windows 10 virtual machine. Otherwise not much that really needs 32GB right now. Then I started thinking I'm purchasing the same amount of RAM I did 8 years ago which seems somewhat absurd in the computer world. Maybe, like then, I should be future proofing better and why that machine is still doing so well. On the other hand it does seem to me that app and OS RAM needs have been pretty stable for several years and may just stay that way. Any thoughts?