Just received my $30 cosmos blue iPhone 7 leather case which I ordered from a Chinese eBay seller. Didn’t expect a fake for this price, and for the most part it does seem to be of higher quality than my definitely-fake case.
However, the fit is far from perfect. I can see parts of the antenna lines on my silver iPhone 7 and the bottom area, near the home bottom, doesn’t have a lip at all. As in, it’s almost flush with the phone display, like the entire case tapers in thickness towards the bottom.
Everything else seems perfect, the aluminum buttons and back and inside logo and engraving, and it does smell like leather.
I’ve attached a photo showing a small defect on the inside of the case, where the volume buttons are. The leather is loose there.
Please let me know what you think, I don’t have a real apple leather case to compare it with.
Just received my $30 cosmos blue iPhone 7 leather case which I ordered from a Chinese eBay seller. Didn’t expect a fake for this price, and for the most part it does seem to be of higher quality than my definitely-fake case.
However, the fit is far from perfect. I can see parts of the antenna lines on my silver iPhone 7 and the bottom area, near the home bottom, doesn’t have a lip at all. As in, it’s almost flush with the phone display, like the entire case tapers in thickness towards the bottom.
Everything else seems perfect, the aluminum buttons and back and inside logo and engraving, and it does smell like leather.
I’ve attached a photo showing a small defect on the inside of the case, where the volume buttons are. The leather is loose there.
Please let me know what you think, I don’t have a real apple leather case to compare it with.