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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Recently I have not been able to make any Apple Pay purchases using my iPhone at all. The cards don't even show up. Manually selecting a card results in Hold Near Reader to pay and nothing happens.

It doesn't work on any store or vending machine I have tried it on.

The Apple Watch at the exact same location at the exact same register works just fine.

I've tried rebooting the phone as well as deleting the card and re-adding it.


macrumors 65816
Mar 8, 2012
Recently I have not been able to make any Apple Pay purchases using my iPhone at all. The cards don't even show up. Manually selecting a card results in Hold Near Reader to pay and nothing happens.

It doesn't work on any store or vending machine I have tried it on.

The Apple Watch at the exact same location at the exact same register works just fine.

I've tried rebooting the phone as well as deleting the card and re-adding it.

There was Apple outage today, sign out -> sing in icloud on your phone, reboor after. Hope it helps.


macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2014
Recently I have not been able to make any Apple Pay purchases using my iPhone at all. The cards don't even show up. Manually selecting a card results in Hold Near Reader to pay and nothing happens.

It doesn't work on any store or vending machine I have tried it on.

The Apple Watch at the exact same location at the exact same register works just fine.

I've tried rebooting the phone as well as deleting the card and re-adding it.

Do you have both WiFi and Bluetooth enabled?


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2014
If worse comes to worse, I'm going to give you the classic suggestion:

Restore your phone as new, try then. If it works, put your backup back on the phone and try again. If that breaks it again, your backup is screwed and you have to start from scratch if you want to use Apple Pay.
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