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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 14, 2008
Functionally, what is the differenced between doing one workout over the other?
I understand neither of those activities will. That's why I'm wondering the difference between them?
Indoor cycle will track heat rate continuously where other tracks only sometimes during workout.
Indoor cycle will track heat rate continuously where other tracks only sometimes during workout.
That can't be right - all workouts are supposed to track heart rate continuously.
Also - with an indoor cycle should you keep your iphone in your pocket to help tracking? As your wrist is pretty much stationary.
Functionally, what is the differenced between doing one workout over the other?
In all likelihood:

Indoor Cycle: is a cardio exercise and looks primarily at elevated HR to count calories (Move) and perceived effort (Exercise).

Other: is best when used with mixed aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic exercising (weight lifting, circuit training, cross fit,...) where HR is not a good indicator of Move/Exercise and often hard to read accurately. Other gives a base Move/Exercise equal to your metrics "brisk walk" and if HR exceeds a certain threshold adds to it.
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So would a game of soccer be best as "Other" or one of the "Run" types?
So would a game of soccer be best as "Other" or one of the "Run" types?
Soccer (and almost any team or one on one sport) would be Other. One way to look at it is thinking of pace as rhythm. If you keep a constant pace for 15 minutes or longer it is usually cardio. If you explode full blast for a few seconds and then return to a slower pace this is anaerobic and would fall under Other.

In running a 1000M sprint is anaerobic (Other) but a 5K is aerobic (Outdoor Running).

Just to give an idea of the difference between the effort in anaerobic vs aerobic. Usain Bolt hit over 27MPH. If he could sustain that effort he could complete a marathon and have time to give an acceptance speech in under an hour.
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And how would you classify a run/walk interval workout?
This can go either way depending on the effort. If you are truly sprinting (anaerobic) and then recovery walking then it would be Other.

Unless you are at least a fairly well conditioned athlete and have experiences like obtaining maximal HR and understand what your lactic threshold is you may not be at the level and could use Outdoor Running.
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This can go either way depending on the effort. If you are truly sprinting (anaerobic) and then recovery walking then it would be Other.

Unless you are at least a fairly well conditioned athlete and have experiences like obtaining maximal HR and understand what your lactic threshold is you may not be at the level and could use Outdoor Running.
Track your steps.
On a stationary bike?:D
Because it counts towards your exercise goal and can help your watch know how fast your peddling maybe?
Don't believe this is correct because:

  • When wearing your :apple:Watch the iPhone's steps aren't counted (it is listed as a 2ed source).
  • Exercise goal for Biking is based on HR and not Steps

While primarily a runner I do cardio equipment a couple of times a week and have done Indoor Bike probably around 15 times now. I have never had my iPhone in my pocket and always get full Exercise credit when doing.
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They will be using models of calorie burn based on things like height, weight and heart rate. The type of activity would also likely be a factor in the model, so using the 'indoor cycle' option would give you a more representative value than the generic 'other' which will make no assumptions about the type of activity you are carrying out.
Because it counts towards your exercise goal and can help your watch know how fast your peddling maybe?
Proof this is not the case nor do you need your iPhone on you.

Did Indoor Cycle for 8 minutes with iPhone in pocket and 8 with it on the floor.

Used a Life Fitness upright stationary bike on Random/level 10/over 100RPM average. This would put steps over 1600 for each 8 minute session (100x2x8).

Step count start 9166
Step count with iPhone 9166-9277=111
Step count sans iPhone 9277-9379=102​

The extremely minimal counts would be attributed to arm movement. So as you can see there is no need to have your iPhone when you are doing Indoor Cycling (or any other Indoor cardio).

Also for full disclosure of todays Workouts:​

  • Other 52:20 - weight training (chest)
  • Stair Stepper 14:49
  • Elliptical 16:12
  • Indoor Cycle 3:18 - First attempt and broke chain/start over (beast mode):mad:
  • Indoor Cycle 8:56 - with iPhone in pocket
  • Indoor Cycle 9:00 - iPhone on floor






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