(2 so far, don’t think I’ll be getting more unless I can fix this) So I recently got some Yip dog tags for the family dogs (5!). Compatible with find my. Problem is with apples limitation only 1 person can register the tag to their device. My parents my brother and I regularly have others/ different dogs at our house for days of time. On my dog it works fine, she’s always around me. On the other (who loves to run away) when she’s not around the master iPhone it’s constantly beeping, sending alerts to the family’s phones that there’s an undetected device but even worse physically making a sound annoying us and flipping the poor dog out. She needs the device the most but it is constantly beeping, even waking her up while sleeping. Can I shut this thing up in a setting? It makes me really sad as she would benefit from this most but I’m not sure it’s a viable option anymore. She can open (locked) doors so it’s almost impossible to keep her put.
Im honestly wondering if a sound disabled AirTag would be best for her but at the same time I don’t want to buy from a creep account on eBay.
Im honestly wondering if a sound disabled AirTag would be best for her but at the same time I don’t want to buy from a creep account on eBay.
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