I'm looking to disable notes in icloud so how can I without having the notes deleted? Noob move but I think this is the first time I'm doing this. Thanks
Damn, you just literraly did in a second what I was looking for the last year You mean just hold the note > Move to local storage (yes, I understand how dumb I am for not checking this in fro start)? Have you found any way to export them in batch? Or only one by one?
Damn, you just literraly did in a second what I was looking for the last year You mean just hold the note > Move to local storage (yes, I understand how dumb I am for not checking this in fro start)? Have you found any way to export them in batch? Or only one by one?
Haha sometimes it just takes messing around to get the fix.
For my situation it was so I can disable notes in icloud without losing them on my phone. So I switched to On my iphone within notes settings (the first 2 settings) which enables you to move the notes from icloud onto your phone (within the notes app itself) then you can safely disable notes in icloud.