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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
So, there is no respect from Apple.
I have disabled SIP some months ago, and now I have to do it once again.
Every update of monterey, makes a reset on this feature?

In any case, I entered the recovery mode of my mbp 16' 2021/monterey, I set it to 'reduced security' with the first option selected (allow, etc), and then boot again/restart.
Still, in Settings, in Security and Privacy, I have no option of allowing the running of an application, from a so-called unknown developer.

Somebody to help me, as I feel like apple is playing with my nerves.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
So, there is no respect from Apple.
I have disabled SIP some months ago, and now I have to do it once again.
Every update of monterey, makes a reset on this feature?

In any case, I entered the recovery mode of my mbp 16' 2021/monterey, I set it to 'reduced security' with the first option selected (allow, etc), and then boot again/restart.
Still, in Settings, in Security and Privacy, I have no option of allowing the running of an application, from a so-called unknown developer.

Somebody to help me, as I feel like apple is playing with my nerves.
You don’t need to disable SIP to run applications from unknown developers.

Here’s an article explains how to do this. It’s better just me to this link this than try to post all the steps. Of course it’s from macpaw selling anti malware so just ignore the bottom part is trying to push you to buy the product.



macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2021
So, there is no respect from Apple.
I have disabled SIP some months ago, and now I have to do it once again.
Every update of monterey, makes a reset on this feature?

In any case, I entered the recovery mode of my mbp 16' 2021/monterey, I set it to 'reduced security' with the first option selected (allow, etc), and then boot again/restart.
Still, in Settings, in Security and Privacy, I have no option of allowing the running of an application, from a so-called unknown developer.

Somebody to help me, as I feel like apple is playing with my nerves.
Did you run `sudo spctl --master-disable`?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
The answer is the post above this one.

Another way to do it:
Download the free (but old) app called "Mountain Tweaks".
Get it here:
(choose the "or just download it free here" link)

Even though it's old, many of it's features STILL WORK with Monterey.
Go to the "Mountain Lion Tweaks" panel and the first option is to "disable gatekeeper". This is the one you want. Click it and enter your password to confirm that you want to do it.
Then quit Mountain Tweaks.

Finally, check:
System preferences/Security & Privacy/General
You should now see "the third choice" of "Anywhere" towards the bottom of the panel.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
Thank so much for your help!

Does anyone know, if this setting is lost, after any update on mac os monterey?
Or it is kept forever?
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macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2021
I noticed that it resets to default sometimes (2 times so far iirc), not sure what triggers it because I have not updated since 11.3
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macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2020
So far, I have only had it disabled when I do a PRAM reset.
And, the only reason I need to disable SIP is to run rEFInd from Rod Books so I can switch over to Linux.
Currently running Monterey 12.3 ß5 on an external Fusion drive.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2017
Hi, below are my "quick-and-dirty" notes on using Gatekeeper:

# Gatekeeper:
# 1) Turn off gatekeeper:
sudo spctl --master-disable
spctl --status
# 2) Turn on gatekeeper:
sudo spctl --master-enable
spctl --status
# 3) Add an application as an exception to gatekeeper:
spctl --add /Path/To/
# 4) Remove an application as an exception to gatekeeper:
spctl --remove /Path/To/
# 5) Define a label:
spctl --add --label "New-Label" /Path/To/
# 6) Enable the
spctl --enable --label "New-Label"
# 7) Disable the
spctl --disable --label "New-Label"
# 8) List rules: (there will be a lot, probably too many to read through)
spctl --list
# 9) To check the status of an application:
spctl -av /Path/To/

Hope this helps,
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Jan 24, 2008
So, there is no respect from Apple.
I have disabled SIP some months ago, and now I have to do it once again.
Every update of monterey, makes a reset on this feature?

In any case, I entered the recovery mode of my mbp 16' 2021/monterey, I set it to 'reduced security' with the first option selected (allow, etc), and then boot again/restart.
Still, in Settings, in Security and Privacy, I have no option of allowing the running of an application, from a so-called unknown developer.

Somebody to help me, as I feel like apple is playing with my nerves.
To run an application from an unknown developer just right click on the application and choose Open. You then get a popup allowing you to open the application. You have to do this only once. The next time it will open normally.
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