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macrumors newbie
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Feb 1, 2011
Mac Mini 2018

Hi. Underneath the black under-padding of the Mac Mini is a metal plate with a small, thin, round black device that has the wifi logo.

If you try to take off the metal plate, you’ll find that the wifi-device has a cable running through the other side, and connects to the logic board.

If I were to disconnect that cable from the logic board, would the machine still run?

The reason I am asking is because I tried to upgrade my RAM. But I accidentally ripped the antenna socket right off the logic board (while I was trying to simply unplug it). That’s one problem, and I have a scheduled appointment with a tech guy.

But the second problem is that my machine no longer boots. The power light comes on. But my monitors stay black. Then you hear a dying “puff” of the exhaust, like the final breath of a deer you shot in the woods, and the light goes out. A few moments later, the light turns back on and the cycle repeats.

As far as I would guess (and I’m no techgician), the Mini should still work perfectly, minus the lack of wifi (which would be overcome with an ethernet cable anyway).

Briefly describing these symptoms to my tech guy over the phone, he said it sounds like a SECOND issue is going on. That is, I flunked at least two parts of this RAM upgrade, not just one. The first being the rippage of the antenna socket, and the second being a mystery.

Would anyone here have insight? Do you think these are one issue, or two? Shouldn’t the unit still run, albeit without wifi, assuming I did everything else correctly?

Clever jokes and snobby “you shouldn’t’a done that” answers are welcome. I can’t wait to count how many “brick” jokes come through.

When things "rip" on a tightly packed pc board they take foil and other things with them.

Cross your fingers and let your Tech figure it out, but prepare for the worst. A2
I used the following iFixIt instructions when I upgraded the RAM on my 2018 Mini.

You might run through these instructions so see where you may have left something else disconnected.

Thanks for the tips.

I took it apart a second time and found that one of the other connectors wasn’t firmly put back in place. So I fixed it, put it all together again, plugged it into the AC and confidently pressed the power button.... same deal.

Then I took it apart a 3rd time and found that one of my RAM chips wasn’t pushed in all the way. So I fixed that, put it all back together yet again, and viola! It works (minus the wifi)!



Now it’s just a question of whether or not I wanna spend money to fix the wifi.
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Similar story. I just did a RAM upgrade on my 2018 Mac Mini as well. Followed the iFixit (and a couple of other) tutorials, but when I went back to reconnect the WiFi antenna, there was nothing to snap it back on to - it had apparently all come together, and there was a little blank spot on the motherboard where the connection should have been.

HOWEVER, I went ahead and reconnected the bracket, mainly so I wouldn't lose the tiny screw. I plugged an ethernet cable into my router and connected my keyboard and trackpad via USB cables, expecting nothing wireless would work.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered my wifi and bluetooth are working fine, which leads me to ask - what is the function of the connector that's supposed to snap to the motherboard? I thought the part that screwed on was just a bracket to hold the important part - the connector - in place. But my connector isn't connected, and everything is working like normal. No error messages. No glitches. Wifi throughput is normal.

Not complaining, just very confused.
This is why (when I ordered my 2018 Mini refurbished) I spent the extra $160 and had it come pre-configured with 16gb of RAM... 🎃
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