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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
32,325 has posted a teaser on their website, hinting at updates or news coming for both the Mac versions of Combustion and Cleaner. The teaser reads:
Come visit our booth and see what we've got cooking for combustion and cleaner
Official information will be welcome, in light of recent rumors that Cleaner development may have been placed on hold and hints that Apple may acquire Discreet's desktop video division.

Meanwhile, in a related rumor, a new Page 2 report suggests that Apple may be collaborating with Optibase -- a MPEG Encoding company.


macrumors 601
Aug 9, 2002
If you look at the Combustion section of Discreet's webpage it says "Combustion 3 coming in early 2004" and tells a little information about it


macrumors 6502a
Jan 12, 2003
Dublin, Ireland.
i hope apple buy discreet's video division because then a lot of people will have no choice but to use Apple and that is something that will benefit them, whether they know it now or not...


macrumors member
Jan 10, 2002
Cleaner Rocks

This is great news. Cleaner is incredibly useful. Leverages Quicktime Pro by offering presets.


macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2002
This is the Apple that I've always dreamed about; 2004 is going to be the year of the Apple.



macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2002
Middle Earth
Apple just buy discreets desktop apps and create the killer workflow for Video. Screw Adobe they don't want video as much as you do Apple...they want to sell PDF tools and rest on their laurels.

Let's make this happen.


macrumors regular
Dec 16, 2003
3ds max is really awesome and needs to be brought over from the dark side. However, it looks like the buyout has fallen through, doesn't it? Why, if discreet is continuing to develop for mac, would apple try to buy them? Unless apple buys the video division, discreet is never going to port 3Ds, because, if I'm not mistaken (correct me if I'm wrong), most game development is done on PCs and that is one of the primary markets of 3ds max. I'll just have to stick w/ Lightwave (BTW, I like it better than 3DS Max, and I hate Maya).


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2002
Fort Myers, FL
Originally posted by HenMaster6000
Unless apple buys the video division, discreet is never going to port 3Ds, because, if I'm not mistaken (correct me if I'm wrong), most game development is done on PCs and that is one of the primary markets of 3ds max.

It's been my understanding that Autodesk/Discreet does not do the development. That is done by The Yost Group. 3DS roots go all the way back to the Atari-ST. One of the developers, Daniel Silva, was the guy that wrote Deluxe Paint for the Amiga. Is Discreet just a distributor? I'm not sure.


macrumors newbie
Jan 2, 2004
I just hope Apple doesn't water down Cleaner. As of now, it's one of the only ways to convert AACs bought on iTunes Music Store to MP3. It only works on songs you're licensed for, and it's a lot easier than burning a CD of songs, and then re-ripping it.
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