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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 29, 2009
I have MBP 10.11.5.

If i run Disk Utility First Aid for internal SSD and run it for both "APPLE..." row and "Macintosh HD" row, all is okay.

But if i try this in Terminal:

diskutil verifyVolume '/Volumes/Macintosh HD'

I get this:

Checking extended attributes file
Invalid volume free block count
(It should be 5367799 instead of 3851264)
The volume Macintosh HD was found corrupt and needs to be repaired
File system check exit code is 8
Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed
Underlying error: 8: POSIX reports: Exec format error
That means smoking is stRting going wrong with whole disk, start looking for a replacement bad pray you been backing up!

I have had "Invalid volume free block count" before and Disk Utility fixed it easily.
Using Disk Utility from an account will not fix a thing! Boot into Recovery Mode and run it from there!

Thanks for answer.

I have not yet tried to fix it. Now i just want to understand why Disk Utility, TechTool Pro and DriveDX says that SSD is okay but CLI diskutil tells there is problem.

And is this really so bad that i need to find replacement SSD?
Thanks for answer.

I have not yet tried to fix it. Now i just want to understand why Disk Utility, TechTool Pro and DriveDX says that SSD is okay but CLI diskutil tells there is problem.

And is this really so bad that i need to find replacement SSD?

There are some really bad SSDs out there!

This came with MBPR.

Yea but to test the SSD or even an old spinning drive you can't be logged in an account on that drive and fix it! That's why you should put those drive utilities on a thumb drive, boot into Recovery Mode and use the apps on the thumb drive to try to fix the SSD setup! See if that help!
In disk utility, did you click on "show details" and read the details? On mine, disk utility does report everything is OK, but if I look at the details I see an error message "Incorrect number of file hard links" which is also shown with the diskutil command. I get the same dire sounding message you have at the end of the diskutil command.
In disk utility, did you click on "show details" and read the details? On mine, disk utility does report everything is OK, but if I look at the details I see an error message "Incorrect number of file hard links" which is also shown with the diskutil command. I get the same dire sounding message you have at the end of the diskutil command.

Disk Utility uses diskutl behind the scenes. So it's odd that results are different.

I just checked "show details" and it shows error:

Volume bitmap needs minor repair for orphaned blocks
Checking volume information.
(It should be 11608557 instead of 10092022)
File system check exit code is 8

And Terminal still shows this:

Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed
Underlying error: 8: POSIX reports: Exec format error
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