Page numbering may be wrong after replying at the foot of anything other than the last page
The attached screenshot should be self-explanatory. …
Much more than the page numbering is wrong.
Post numbering becomes non sequential; the prompt to view more messages appears in the midst of that disorder; and so on.
Generally: frequently disorientating.
Assuming that the behaviours are inherent to XenForo, the strictest way to prevent (or minimise the risk of) disorderly content might be to never offer the Write your reply… field (with its Post Reply button) at pages that include the nn more messages … link. In other words:
- offer the reply field at only one page of any multi-page topic – the last.
… The phrase last post is ambiguous. It may be misinterpreted as meaning the last post on the page.
I'd prefer that (big red volatile) down arrow to make visible the reply dialogue beneath the last post on the page.
… Every time I want the reply field, I have to go to the end of the page then scroll or page up until the field becomes visible.
All things considered, I now vote to completely remove the big red volatile arrows. Never show them. The down arrow is, essentially, an incentive to readers to rush, to ignore content before writing. Amongst the undesirable side effects of ignorance: duplication, triplication and so on.
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