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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 12, 2015
hey guys,

So I updated to iOS 8.4 and I've noticed that sometimes the display of my iPhone 6 suddenly getting darker without doing anything.
Auto brightness is enabled but immediately after the problem occurs I checked the control center and it's still set to the brightest.
After a few minutes it will go back to the previous (right) brightness.

Anyone else noticed that?

hey guys,

So I updated to iOS 8.4 and I've noticed that sometimes the display of my iPhone 6 suddenly getting darker without doing anything.
Auto brightness is enabled but immediately after the problem occurs I checked the control center and it's still set to the brightest.
After a few minutes it will go back to the previous (right) brightness.

Anyone else noticed that?

Make sure Setting- general- accessibility- zoom is off and not set as triple home shortcut.
Well... What?!

How is my problem related to the zoom stuff in iOS?

My problem is the brightness!
Well... What?!

How is my problem related to the zoom stuff in iOS?

My problem is the brightness!
Because zoom has a feature that it can ably a filter. One of them is lowering the brightness. And it can do that without actually zooming the screen. So if you have the triple home shortcut set to zoom it will toggle the screen's brightness.

Other thing is that make sure you don't cover the light sensor that is next to the ear speaker. It's also of course possible that there is either software or hardware issue related to that sensor. In Settings -> Background and brightness set the change automatically to off and see if still happens.
Everything is turned off...

The light sensor isn't covered neither.

Usually the display gets darker step by step. Like if you enter a dark area, you can see in control center how the bar goes down.
But my problem is that it suddenly is dark but in control center it's set to the brightest.
Well, first step of troubleshooting is to restart the device. If that doesn't solve it, you can try to reset all settings (Settings -> General). If that still doesn't solve it restore the device using iTunes (make sure to take backup - iTunes backup might be safer choice than iCloud in this scenario). And to make sure that it's not a software issue don't restore the device from the backup but set up as new device and see if it still happens. You can restore the device from the backup later if needed.

If after restoring + setting up as new device you are seeing that problem it's most likely a hardware issue and there's little that can be done for that other than sending to repair.
Since it started with iOS 8.4 it might be a general issue other people have as well. That's the reason I asksd
True that, didn't think that. I've been using iOS9 beta so I kind of forgot that 8.4 was released last week. :)
Hopefully they will fix it in iOS 9.

What really grind my gears is that apple should read all these forums and analyze them! They can hire one or two persons for that which is not expensive and every bug people submit will be fixed!
So damn annoying!
But even bugs people submit via aren't fixed..
Everything is turned off...

The light sensor isn't covered neither.

Usually the display gets darker step by step. Like if you enter a dark area, you can see in control center how the bar goes down.
But my problem is that it suddenly is dark but in control center it's set to the brightest.
Having the same issue. I was told that it's a feature to prevent the phone from overheating.
Oh yeah, that makes sense.
It was 37 degrees outside and I was in shade. But might be too hot anyway.
hey guys,

So I updated to iOS 8.4 and I've noticed that sometimes the display of my iPhone 6 suddenly getting darker without doing anything.
Auto brightness is enabled but immediately after the problem occurs I checked the control center and it's still set to the brightest.
After a few minutes it will go back to the previous (right) brightness.

Anyone else noticed that?


I'm having the same issue as well, started for me in iOS 8.3 on my iPad Air 2 and here in there on my 6+ it happened a couple times on my 6+ since the 8.4 update, the only fix that I've come up with is just restarting my device and that would just fix it, sometimes this would happen when I'd press something and the brightness would just go down, I'm just glad it's not only me having this issue
hey guys,

So I updated to iOS 8.4 and I've noticed that sometimes the display of my iPhone 6 suddenly getting darker without doing anything.
Auto brightness is enabled but immediately after the problem occurs I checked the control center and it's still set to the brightest.
After a few minutes it will go back to the previous (right) brightness.

Anyone else noticed that?

I've had this issue on numerous Iphone 6's and my work Iphone 5c. It seems to be a random event that only occurs in bright ambient light. I've been working with Apple bug report for about 7 months and as of early June (they stop communicating with me) we have not been able to come up with a solution. I've sent them videos and crash logs and they repeat time and time again that there is nothing wrong. On a side note, they found a battery issue on my last device and had me return it to the Apple store for an exchange. The senior advisor I was working with also observed this issue after I emailed him a video of my device doing it. He said there is no way that could be considered normal.
I've tried everything that the online community can come up with to find the source of this issue. It just seems as if its a deep rooted problem albeit minor one with the OS. I'm waiting for IOS 9 to come around before I think of jumping ship. IOS 8 seems to be the buggiest OS I've experienced but Apple has the best customer service I've ever dealt with.
I've noticed this as well, especially when the brightness is all the way up in direct sunlight… At random times the screen will shoot to about 75% even though the slider still shows full brightness… It's rare, and only seems to happen when in direct sunlight with auto brightness bumping the brightness all the way up to 100% - but only just started happening with 8.4.
It's because of heat. When the iPhone, iPad gets too warm, screen brightness is reduced, regardless of user settings. As always, usability is key. The way it dims makes you think that your device is malfunctioning. If it was a smooth gradual transition it would be more obvious that this is an intended behaviour. As I have said in an other topic, Apple has lost the taste for the details. But a great experience is made by the sum of many small details.
Also it's not new to iOS 8.4. iOS8.3 and older had the same behavior. Maybe 8.4 makes the devices warmer or maybe it's just summer with its higher temperatures =)
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It's because of heat. When the iPhone, iPad gets too warm, screen brightness is reduced, regardless of user settings. As always, usability is key. The way it dims makes you think that your device is malfunctioning. If it was a smooth gradual transition it would be more obvious that this is an intended behaviour. As I have said in an other topic, Apple has lost the taste for the details. But a great experience is made by the sum of many small details.
Also it's not new to iOS 8.4. iOS8.3 and older had the same behavior. Maybe 8.4 makes the devices warmer or maybe it's just summer with its higher temperatures =)
Hasn't had anything to do with heat in my observance with this issue...and I've only just now started to see this with 8.4 on the phone. We have had some pretty humid days in VA, and I hadn't noticed this issue happening on 8.3 or below.
Hasn't had anything to do with heat in my observance with this issue...and I've only just now started to see this with 8.4 on the phone. We have had some pretty humid days in VA, and I hadn't noticed this issue happening on 8.3 or below.
Maybe a different issue then.
I have personally experienced the "problem" with 8.3 (and older) on several iOS devices, phones and tablets. To isolate the problem and verify my hypothesis I also tried to heat them with a dryer and cool them on a refrigerator: i could consistently trigger the behaviour depending on the temperature. To make it happen less frequently i disabled background activity for apps where I don't need it. Facebook in particular seems to have a pretty strong impact on the device running temperature. After i did so, the problem, from common became very very rare (only happens when i'm in the car and it's very very hot, or when i'm in a warm room playing heavy 3d games. Before it would happen even in cool rooms). Again, my tests were not conducted on a single device, i have used 1 iPad Air 2, 1 iPad Air, 1 iPhone 6 and 2 iPhone 5s.
OK, it's interesting what you guys posted!

I also do think that customer service is great but for example when they said that this behaviour is not normal he didn't know neither or hasn't spoken to the software engineers.
In my opinion it makes sense that this is heat protection although this behaviour is weird anyway..
hey guys,

So I updated to iOS 8.4 and I've noticed that sometimes the display of my iPhone 6 suddenly getting darker without doing anything.
Auto brightness is enabled but immediately after the problem occurs I checked the control center and it's still set to the brightest.
After a few minutes it will go back to the previous (right) brightness.

Anyone else noticed that?


Well, I updated to the IOS 9 public beta hoping to NOT see the display darken. Well it did. It's still a software issue and I had hoped it would get fixed. It may still but I'm not hopeful.
Well, I updated to the IOS 9 public beta hoping to NOT see the display darken. Well it did. It's still a software issue and I had hoped it would get fixed. It may still but I'm not hopeful.
Upgraded to the PB as well earlier. Ironically enough, I am now no longer seeing this issue, and spent most of the day outdoors. Strange.
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