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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 25, 2008
I know this is a limitation of the rabbit ears, but I've been burned a couple of times by not realizing DND is still on. I manually turn it on at night and off in the morning, but there's no way to at-a-glance know if it's on or not. Therefore I've been woken up by my phone buzzing and missed some calls in the morning...

Hopefully in an update we could customize what displays in the top areas (I don't care about losing bluetooth or location services, but DND is important!)


macrumors 6502
Sep 5, 2008
I agree. Was just thinking about this today. No way to know unless you pull down from the right. Or glance at your Apple Watch if you have one.


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
What Givmeabrek said: automatic/setting a schedule for DnD is the way to go. Has worked like a champ for me.

Personally, not having issue with spotting the DnD icon on my display, even with the location services icon pushing it aside.
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macrumors 6502
May 31, 2015
Yup.. Scheduled DND is the way to go. You can still turn it off manually in the morning and it will resume automatically in the evening until you turn off the schedule.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 25, 2008
Yup.. Scheduled DND is the way to go. You can still turn it off manually in the morning and it will resume automatically in the evening until you turn off the schedule.

I occasionally work night shifts, so I don't like to schedule DND...but this may be the only solution. I guess I need just need to stop forgetting to turn it off!
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macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2011
I use it on auto, just frustrated me that favorite texts don’t go through also!


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2012
I occasionally work night shifts, so I don't like to schedule DND...but this may be the only solution. I guess I need just need to stop forgetting to turn it off!

I’ve been hesitating turning automatic DND on as well because I don’t always go to bed at the same time and occasionally have to work through the night. Like you, though, there are times when I’ve forgotten to turn it off and realize hours later that I missed some notifications.

After reading this thread what I’m thinking about doing is just scheduling it to turn on in the morning, then turn off again a minute later at about the time I normally wake up. That way, if I forget to turn it off in the morning then it will automatically disable itself, but I’ll still need to manually enable it at night and I can do so at whatever time I want to. Of course there will be a one minute period every morning where I could miss calls, but if I schedule that to happen during a time slightly before I normally disable DND then it shouldn’t hurt anything.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2012
Actually, I just played around with this a bit and it looks like we can do one better. You can schedule DND to turn on and off at the same time. If it’s already off at that time, then nothing happens. If it’s on at that time, then it turns off. So this way we can still rely on manually turning it on and off as we please, but there will be a failsafe time where if we forget to turn it off then it will turn off on it’s own.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2012
I agree with this. I work night shift (4-10’s) but I like to be on a somewhat normal schedule on my days off. I have scheduled DND but it still ends up on when I forget to turn it off on my days off for instance. I miss it not being on the notification up above and easy to see.


macrumors 6502
May 31, 2015
I occasionally work night shifts, so I don't like to schedule DND...but this may be the only solution. I guess I need just need to stop forgetting to turn it off!

Ya I work Nights every second run. I just schedule it on 1/2 hour after my regular bed time and off A 1/2 hour before my alarm is set.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2017
Flyover Country, USA
You can schedule DND to turn on and off at the same time. If it’s already off at that time, then nothing happens. If it’s on at that time, then it turns off.

Thanks for this! I have some of the same issues posted in this thread and don't want to schedule DND because of an erratic schedule.

I never even thought to do this!


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
For odd schedules, which I had for a while, I also used Reminders to remind me to reset DnD to off-work settings. Can do something similar for when you get up: one of the first reminders when you look at the screen will be "Turn DnD Off!!!".

Unfortunately, have not seen any app like IFTTT to have useful DnD recipes/tasks (don't blame them, as Apple really limits access to core functions).


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
Got to handle the X for the first time today. Yeah, sucks that the DnD icon only shows in the Control Center. Agree with would be nice to customize the banner icons, or Apple selects better prioritization re: what shows. Say, swap DnD with the wifi icon or Location Services.
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macrumors regular
Sep 19, 2015
Tell Siri to turn off DND...

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