Don’t waist your doctors time with stuff like this. Your doctor has real sick people to help!
On a contrary.
Doctors are there for you for any reason! Even if you are not sick, they will help you, guide you and reassure you, that everything is ok, for any reason and for every medical-health concern you might have.
It is their job to do so, besides treating sick people.
Never ever never ever, avoid your doctors and not ask them questions, even if you are not sick.
Please don’t give bad advice, ever again when its related to health matters, in any form or shape.
Any time, in your entire life, if you have any health concerns, please speak with a doctor. Get second and third opinion from another doctor if you have to or want to.
Don’t ever, let internet or forums make medical decisions for you....EVER!
It is ok to do your own research, it is your human right, and you can discuss your research with a doctor and weight out your options.
Best of of luck.