Probably no surprise, but when I was at university, there was a high-end clothing store downtown. Apparently there was quite a problem with the sorority sisters 'renting' prom and party dresses, and returning them after being worn a few times. Hideously expensive designer dresses bought before big events, and returned, unlaundered, days later. Heck, one story was that an entire bridal party 'rented' their entire parties clothing by buying it all, and returning it. ALL of it. At the time, underwear was returnable (somehow), and shirts, ties, shoes, socks, dresses, all of it. The store tried to limit returns, and went so far as to put sales tags and 'Item not returnable if this tag removed' tags in conspicuous locations on items sold, but none of it stopped the scammers, until they just dropped the high end lines within a month of large occasions where that kind of theft happened, making the returns past the window for returning them. Eventually the store went out of business, and ran an article in the school newspaper announcing one of the reasons being their 'overly generous' return policies, and how so many 'in the greek system' took advantage of it. They said that far too often the returned clothing items weren't resellable because of body odor and stains, and occasionally the items were 'recklessly cleaned'. It caused a major hush over the greek system, and a lot of gnashing of teeth from the surrounding community. It was interesting to see the reaction. Some groups the sororities supported dropped them as sponsors. Stupid entitled human tricks.