I was in Best Buy today to test drive some iPad keyboards for my new iPad.
They had the Xs XsM and Xr out on display so I whipped out my trusty old 6s+ just to do a quick display comparison...
Seriously, I'm not trying to troll.
But I could see visible pixels on the Xs/Xm/Xr displays and as usual cannot see them on the plus. The plus font outlines were visibly sharper. I really wasn't "seeing things."
What's going on here? Is this because X phones are using pentile displays?
They had the Xs XsM and Xr out on display so I whipped out my trusty old 6s+ just to do a quick display comparison...
Seriously, I'm not trying to troll.
But I could see visible pixels on the Xs/Xm/Xr displays and as usual cannot see them on the plus. The plus font outlines were visibly sharper. I really wasn't "seeing things."
What's going on here? Is this because X phones are using pentile displays?