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macrumors member
Original poster
May 10, 2015
I prefer the black bezels of the black iPhone 6 for media consumption, but the touch ID ring looks so dull, and in my personal opinion, makes it classy, but dull on the other hand.

The white has some bad press, in that most basic teenage girls use it etc. However I am considering getting white to complement my Macbook Pro...

I know this is a pointless first-world problem, but please share your opinion on the White vs Black debate, and your own personal daily driver colour, and why you like/regret some of the aesthetic features that each colour offers.

And as for gold, nah.
I know I e a different phone but I went for a blue 5c. Not because the other colors maybe wouldn't have suited me but I ignored the stereotype and media about color etc. I went for what was best for me not caring what other ppl would say!

Personally I'd go black though as I don't always like my tech to stand out too much. I case up my phone so only elements of blue show through which is what I like!
I went from black iPhones to a white iPhone 5 but shortly after that switched back to black. Just looks better to me.
I also have a black iPhone 5 - I like the black bezels with media consumption, however the aesthetics are really poor (I dislike the stealth look)...
I prefer a black front on my phones. Been that way since I got my first smartphone, and I have no regrets.
I prefer black bezel's. Have them on my iphone and my ipad mini.
I'm still using a black 4s, but I'll never buy a white iPhone. Planning on getting the space grey (unless there's a darker one) 6s+ as well. Not a fan of white bezels on phones, televisions, laptops, anything.
It depends on what mood I'm in. Some days I wish I'd got gold and other days I prefer my space grey.
I had always preferred the white iPhones up until I saw the beautiful slate iPhone 5. Went back to white with the gold 5S as I didn't like the choice Apple made to go Gray over black. With the 6 and 6 Plus I went back to the black bezel as it looked so sleek with that design. Almost like it blends in with the screen.
I prefer black, but my 5s is a gold/white. Its a nice change and no regrets, but it also reaffirmed my preference for the black bezels.

My favourite colour to this day still is the black & slate 5, a shame it chipped/lost its anodized coating too easily, as that effectively ruined the colour. But fresh out of the box it is a beautiful device.
I got the space gray 6plus that's because my 5s is gold/white. I'm hoping rose gold would show up for the 6s plus because that's what I'm getting.
Seems like with me, the color of my iPhone always ends up being a case of "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."

I had a black iPhone 4 which I was happy with (especially since the white one took so long to be released).

After having my black iPhone 5 for a few months, I wished that I had bought the white one - partially for looks but also because of the scuffing that started to happen on the edges and back.

After my buyer's remorse for the black iPhone 5, I decided before the iPhone 6 was even announced that I would be getting a white one. True to that, I didn't give it a second thought when the time came to buy. Having had it for 9 months now, it is by no means unattractive or distasteful, but seeing the space grey and black combo in person is just so attractive. The bezels on the top and bottom are much more exaggerated on the white model.

That being said, my next purchase of phone will probably be a black one. But at the end of the day, white or black will get the job done :)
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I bought a white/silver iPhone 6 after always owning black iPhones, I absolutely hated it and it drove me crazy. I paid a restocking fee and I'm happy with my space gray 6.
I have a black iPhone 5 16GB, currently waiting on what Apple does with the 6S. I'll get it in space grey in a hartbeat. I do really wish though that they found a way to get rid of those ugly antenna bands. Especially on the White and Gold models it's really noticeable as hell. I know I'll put a case on it, but still. Bear naked phones are the sexiest type of phones and feeling raw aluminium in your hands feels better than a plastic/leather case.
Had a black 4 and now a white/gold 5s. No regrets and I'd take the white/silver over the space grey.

I didn't hate the black but I'd probably have got the white if it was available at the time (got my 4 in 2010.)

I wouldn't however get a space grey 5s. The slate was much better and I think the Touch ID ring should have been grey instead of black.
My iPhone 5 is white/silver. It didn't matter at first since I used an Otterbox Defender, but I've been using TPU cases for the last year and a half. The white/silver definitely looks good with translucent cases. It also goes nicely with my silver iPod classic and MBPs. My iPad Mini is also white/silver, but it lives in a Griffin Survivor.
My buddy told me that he didn't like his white/silver 5s because the white bezel gets dirty, like turns yellowish. Is that true? He has the 6 space grey now. I do too.

I actually got the black because it goes with cases but I do want my next iPhone to have the white bezel. Seems clean. I've seen some cases that adds to the white bezel.
Took a gamble switching to a white i5 from a black i4 and loved the colour. Never looked back and my 6+ is white too.


My buddy told me that he didn't like his white/silver 5s because the white bezel gets dirty, like turns yellowish. Is that true? He has the 6 space grey now. I do too.

I actually got the black because it goes with cases but I do want my next iPhone to have the white bezel. Seems clean. I've seen some cases that adds to the white bezel.

My buddy smokes and his 5S is white as white can be. Almost all of the white parts are covered in glass and the iPhone 6 even more so.
sometimes I wish I purchased the black 6 plus instead of my white one, but I immediately change my mind because the Touch ID button doesn't have the ring & it looks kinda boring.
black 4S, white 5 which I broke, black 5, gold 5s, slate gray 6 which was sold to get a gold 6+. I like to change colors every time I get a new iPhone. The black bezels are less distracting but the fingerprints drive me up the wall. The black looks more seamless. I'll get a black 6S or 7 whenever I upgrade next.
I got a space grey 6 and I like it but I am hoping for a new color that has a more yellow gold back and black front. I think that'd look B.E.A.utiful
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