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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2013
So I realized I have had Siri on my laptop now for quite some time, and yet...I haven't used it a single time. The only time it even opens is when I hit the ICON by accident. lol

What about you guys? Am I the only one?
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Never once have I used Siri on any of the iPhones I've had (4S, 5, 6, 7). Partly because she really hasn't understood Finnish until recently, but even more so because I just haven't seen the need to use it (her?).

Maybe someday, but for now I'm managing just fine without.
Never. Nor Voice Control. Anything I can do with them, I can typically accomplish faster or more accurately myself. My husband uses it daily though.
Nope. Never opened it, not even by accident. Didn't have it with El Capitan.
We have one iPhone in the household. I don't use it, but have never heard Siri "calling".

Like what?

Woops thought you were talking about Siri on the phone, yes I have only used Siri on my MacBook a couple of times.
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I tested it to see if she worked. She does; but voice recognition is far more useful on phones and tablets than it is on something with a real keyboard.
Nope. Have tried every now and again. Too slow at home because we are on satellite-too much of a delay. Now someone who could be smart about what I'm asking, who actually lived in my local network, that would be useful.
Previously no, but with the my new MBP's touchbar, I've found it convenient a few times to tap the Siri button and tell her to launch apps so I don't have to dig through my Applications folder (I don't use Launchpad), especially handy when they're not commonly used apps that aren't in my dock.
I use Siri regularly, ever since it first appeared in iOS; and now am delighted to have use of it in Sierra.

It took awhile for Siri to become familiar with my voice and speech patterns, but having learned that, it rarely ever makes an error anymore.

I'll use Siri to
- compose messages, emails, notes...;
- add items to existing lists or start new lists;
- set a timer on my iPhone;
- start or quit an app, open or close a file;

Probably a lot more, but yes, I find it very useful now.
I am happy to see I am not alone. I guess I should try it for some random things like closing an app. Who knows it could be useful. I use my amazon echo daily...not sure why I haven't latched onto this.
I find that I use Siri a couple times a week or when my iOS devices are charging. Can't really greet it often at my University considering dozens of other students have it and probably all be summoned at the same time.
While I love the idea of an voice assistant for laptops, I can't easily put it in my workflow since everything can be done by keyboard.
Until it can connect to Homekit, I don't think there is any reason for me to use it.

I use Siri a lot on my Apple watch, and sometimes on my iPhone, because the UI difference (especially the Apple Watch), Siri is actually a better way to input.

But on a Mac, almost everything is faster by using gesture / short key. Even the new emoji bar doesn't seems that useful, Siri is even worse.
Nope I don't think I will never use it. I don't have an iPhone so I never used it before, but I asked her to install chrome and she denied it lol. No, seriously, I can do everything faster with shortkeys. Surely there is a lot of work behind it, but it isn't ready for me
i find it's easier to do something in the moment, rather than think about, for example, what to say... then have to fix mistakes. it's so easy to just click and open something, dive into a folder to find something. but i can see that, for some, it could be a useful aid...
On Apple Watch and Phone yes, It isn't as finished as Google's version, but it works MOST of the time. I've never used it on the Laptop, nor have I ever used the Camera.
I use it at several times a day at work. Setting reminders, replying to texts, quick google search for something if I have my hands busy doing something else, make phone calls, FaceTime calls.
I actually use it much more than on the phone, pretty much the only time that is is on CarPlay in my truck.
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