Hello. Like the title says, does anyone not like anyone of the new loops after receiving them?
I just got my Solo loop today, the tool measured between a 6 and 7.
When I tried it on in store, the 6 felt loose, like it might move around, so settled with a 5.
After wearing it for a couple of hours though, I’m not too satisfied. I find it sticking to my skin too much, it doesn’t exactly leave marks on my skin however sometimes there are faint marks of the solo loop itself.
I can’t move the watch around on my wrist if I tried, it really is quite snug but I feel quite uncomfortable with it and constantly putting a finger in between to let it breathe.
This is my first Apple Watch, so I don’t know how the sport band feels.
Also, with the tight restrictions in the stores and bad availability of bands I thought I’d ask for opinions here as it isn’t as easy as just going and trying a sports band or a bigger loop.
Everyone is talking about how it feels like you’re not wearing a watch, while it’s quite the opposite with me.
Any thoughts?
Anyone returned the loops in favor of the normal sports bands?
I just got my Solo loop today, the tool measured between a 6 and 7.
When I tried it on in store, the 6 felt loose, like it might move around, so settled with a 5.
After wearing it for a couple of hours though, I’m not too satisfied. I find it sticking to my skin too much, it doesn’t exactly leave marks on my skin however sometimes there are faint marks of the solo loop itself.
I can’t move the watch around on my wrist if I tried, it really is quite snug but I feel quite uncomfortable with it and constantly putting a finger in between to let it breathe.
This is my first Apple Watch, so I don’t know how the sport band feels.
Also, with the tight restrictions in the stores and bad availability of bands I thought I’d ask for opinions here as it isn’t as easy as just going and trying a sports band or a bigger loop.
Everyone is talking about how it feels like you’re not wearing a watch, while it’s quite the opposite with me.
Any thoughts?
Anyone returned the loops in favor of the normal sports bands?