I barely use the camera on my phone aside from taking necessary pictures at work for documentation or random important stuff in life. I almost never look at camera specs on the latest iPad/MB/phone anymore.
Ok. Good for you.I barely use the camera on my phone aside from taking necessary pictures at work for documentation or random important stuff in life. I almost never look at camera specs on the latest iPad/MB/phone anymore.
I have two kids and pictures of the important stuff.I use mine all the time, this is what’s needed when you have six grandchildren
I barely use the camera on my phone aside from taking necessary pictures at work for documentation or random important stuff in life. I almost never look at camera specs on the latest iPad/MB/phone anymore.
I use my iPhone Mini’s camera as a scanner and a documenting photo machine for interesting stuff more than for “real“ photography.
I buy an iPhone because I need a 'phone', not a camera......I barely use the camera on my phone aside from taking necessary pictures at work for documentation or random important stuff in life. I almost never look at camera specs on the latest iPad/MB/phone anymore.
This 100%. I usually use it to remember things when I’m too lazy to write things down. A quick snapshot and that’s it. No matter what Apple and other claim, the cameras in phones are still pretty bad when it comes to quality, then they add automatic image processing to make things look better. It’s physics in the end… guess what happens when you up the resolution year after year and make the pixels smaller and smaller. It’s not a good thing. To quote Walter Lewin “Physics works”. Good enough for snapshots, but “real” photography, nope. That’s what real cameras with proper lenses are for.I barely use the camera on my phone aside from taking necessary pictures at work for documentation or random important stuff in life. I almost never look at camera specs on the latest iPad/MB/phone anymore.
Likewise. It's one of the reasons I went for - and continue to be happy with - my SE 2020.I barely use the camera on my phone aside from taking necessary pictures at work for documentation or random important stuff in life. I almost never look at camera specs on the latest iPad/MB/phone anymore.
This is pretty much how I use my iPhone camera. I have noticed that the cameras on my latest Android phones and my 13 Pro take photos that look a bit uncanny valley. They over process everything so a photo doesn’t quite look like a photo anymore and looks like cgi. That’s especially true of landscape photos. i really love the flexibility of the zoom lenses but I’m more partial to pictures taken on my iphone XR when I still had it. I also like my iPhone 11 camera. My 13 Pro is too much. I just wish my iPhone 11 had a zoom lens.All the time! I have 56k photos and it's going up and up. One of the big reasons why I upgrade my iPhone is the camera. Pictures help me remember and they allow me to enjoy the past (or remember what made the past valuable).
I also use my iPhone camera to Scan Documents constantly to OneNote and to iCloud.
I'm finding that over the last few years (with covid and staying at home) - that the camera has been a way for me to "hey, check this out" to my relatives and share pieces of my life with them.
It's a handy : "Hey hun, did I get the right thing you wanted me to get at the grocery store?"
At work it's a great way for me to "remember" things for later too. Whiteboards, post-it notes, etc.
What do they say, a picture is worth a 1000 words?
Camera is very useful and my usage of it is going up. Definitely an extension of my brain.