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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 5, 2007
Does anyone know which configurations of Mac Pro are carried in the store?

Need to pick one up today unfortunately so I cant make my own ideal config, but hoping they carry something decent...
I would be surprised if the configuration is any different than the standard configurations offered on the Apple site. Last time I was there they had a quad core configuration (if that shows you how long ago it was that I was last there).

Might want to call the specific store and ask.
I would be surprised if the configuration is any different than the standard configurations offered on the Apple site. Last time I was there they had a quad core configuration (if that shows you how long ago it was that I was last there).

Might want to call the specific store and ask.

When you say standard, do you mean basically the two that show up here for 2,999 and 3,999?

The pickup option store checker seems to say no mac pros are available at all in any store in my area which I find hard to believe, but maybee?
Appears that Apple stores don't keep any MacPros on the shelf for walk-ins. Maybe around the biggest stores, like in NYC.
Looks like your quickest response for Mac Pro would be overnight shipping from B&H - which appears to have 4 or 5 configurations in stock, ready to ship. They seem to have a low and high end 6-core, and an 8-core, and also 12-core in stock.

How about iMac Pro instead of MacPro?
When you say standard, do you mean basically the two that show up here for 2,999 and 3,999?

The pickup option store checker seems to say no mac pros are available at all in any store in my area which I find hard to believe, but maybee?
Yes, the standard configurations as given on the Apple website. I am not surprised to hear there are no Mac Pros at any of the Apple Stores. The Mac Pro (or is it Macintosh) is the red headed step child of Apple's product offerings.
Thanks guys.. I have to say i'm surprised that Apple doesnt keep some of these in stock. I guess it reflects that noone is buying these things :(
Both of my local Apple stores stopped carrying the trash can Mac's in 2015. They were only available for custom order in store or via delivery after that. As others have noted B&H might be your closest retail to stock them. Best Buy does occasionally, but they've been clearing out stock of anything that doesn't move... so it's likely very regional, if at all.
If you buy online, stay away from anything that has the D300 video cards. I bought one recently from B&H Photo and while the price was good, those video cards have serious issues. Constant crashing at random times and after 5 years, nobody knows why.
No Apple store within 500 miles of Denver has any Mac Pro in stock.

Certainly telling of how low volume it is.
OP, I'm wondering if you called your local Apple store and actually asked them, rather than asking folks who have no idea where you are what their thoughts were. You know very little relevance there. And I wonder if you ever got a machine?

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